I have been working for Telemainia for like 7 + yrs. now. I can certainly report that its is a great way to make extra money! You can basically choose your own hours and they pay on time and if you are good at it your averages are high and the pay is good.
I feel lucky to have found this great opportunity when finding jobs is kinda hard to do. Thanks for the great training and all the super-support.
Jane P. Tacoma WA
I have worked with Telemainia as a talk model (PSO) for 5 1/2 years. This has been a wonderful opportunity for me. Honestly this is a top notch company to work for. NEVER have they missed a pay period and my pay is always accurate. We have 24/7 live operator assistance for our caller's always. Our operators are the best in the business and are always willing to go that extra mile to assure a caller is satisfied.
This place is great to work for. No average-hold times. It's cheaper for guys and the girls get a good chunk of money from each call. Don't work for places that are pay per minute, work here!!!
I had read nothing but great reports about this company before getting started and everything I heard was true!
Cheryl A, New Orleans